Historical UV Index Data for Minneapolis, MN

Historical UV Index Data for Minneapolis, MN

Up-to-date through December 2022

This web page contains historical UV index data for Minneapolis, MN. The UV index data is for the years between 1994 and 2022. We provide you with the monthly average UV index and the daily average UV index for the selected year. You can also scroll to the bottom of this web page to view notable UV index data stats for Minneapolis, MN over the last 28 years.

Select a year in the below dropdown menu.

Average Monthly UV Index - Minneapolis, MN

Average Daily UV Index - Minneapolis, MN

Over the last 28 years, the month with the highest UV index average was July, with an average UV index of 9.7. The highest recorded UV index for Minneapolis, MN was 11.01 on June 18, 2018. The year with the most months reaching extreme UV index levels was 2018 with 1 months (June).